Micro-scaled Concentrated Solar Power (MicroCSP) is a member of the
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology family that has been
redesigned for installation in smaller, modular projects. By reducing the
traditional CSP trough to one-third of its size, MicroCSP technology can be
cost-effectively deployed to on-site markets for distributed power generation
or industrial and commercial applications such as air conditioning and
process heating.
A Key Energy Alternative
As a key technology for enhancing energy security, MicroCSP is an economically
attractive alternative to retail power and distributed fossil fuel markets.
The modular systems can produce power on-site for power customers,
including utilities and independent power producers (IPPs), where systems
can be connected into the existing grid with minimal interconnection costs.
MicroCSP’s role in mitigating rising energy costs offers not only a solution to
these challenges, but also an exciting opportunity for investment, innovation,
and job creation.
MicroCSP for Power Generation
MicroCSP is a sustainable method of electric generation fueled by the heat
of the sun - an endless source of clean, free energy. Commercially viable
and quickly expanding, the MicroCSP system uses trackers to follow the sun
and reflectors and optics to concentrate and intensify the thermal energy
from the sun into a heat transfer fluid. The transfer fluid is then passed
through a turbine to create power. When combined with thermal storage
capacity, the system can buffer clouds and produce power at night – offering
reliable electricity that can be dispatched when needed to meet base-load
Micro-scaled Concentrated Solar Power (MicroCSP) is a member of the
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology family that has been
redesigned for installation in smaller, modular projects. By reducing the
traditional CSP trough to one-third of its size, MicroCSP technology can be
cost-effectively deployed to on-site markets for distributed power generation
or industrial and commercial applications such as air conditioning and
process heating.
A Key Energy Alternative
As a key technology for enhancing energy security, MicroCSP is an economically
attractive alternative to retail power and distributed fossil fuel markets.
The modular systems can produce power on-site for power customers,
including utilities and independent power producers (IPPs), where systems
can be connected into the existing grid with minimal interconnection costs.
MicroCSP’s role in mitigating rising energy costs offers not only a solution to
these challenges, but also an exciting opportunity for investment, innovation,
and job creation.
MicroCSP for Power Generation
MicroCSP is a sustainable method of electric generation fueled by the heat
of the sun - an endless source of clean, free energy. Commercially viable
and quickly expanding, the MicroCSP system uses trackers to follow the sun
and reflectors and optics to concentrate and intensify the thermal energy
from the sun into a heat transfer fluid. The transfer fluid is then passed
through a turbine to create power. When combined with thermal storage
capacity, the system can buffer clouds and produce power at night – offering
reliable electricity that can be dispatched when needed to meet base-load